
Anthony Lane on David Lean

David Lean holds a special place in my academic career. In high school, I conducted an in-depth study of his work and even did a presentation before class dressed with T.E. Lawrence head garb. It was my first such survey and it sparked my interests in critical analysis. I was attracted to Lean's work for many of the grand impulses which Anthony Lane discusses in this New Yorker piece. Lane mentions that these impulses are often a source of derision of Lean. I, for one, can be a bit of a sucker for bombast. Despite Dr. Zhivago being weaker than Lawrence of Arabia or Bridge over the River Kwai, many images and moments from Zhivago are glued into my brain. I love that movie, precisely for its over the top moments. Anyway, Lane's piece explores Lean's psychology and English reserve, concluding that Great Expectations was possibly the purest and best expression of his art. A good read. It makes me want to watch those movies all over again.

Brains: 8 of 10
Bods: 6 of 10

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